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i am snared in everlasting suspension

strung up in every single gap between my synapses

every single one of me in simultaneity

curled up in microscopic spheres in interstitial fluid


internal catatonia

afloat and glitching in recurring transmissions

frozen in every gulf 


o  º  o


i have displaced the finite round adrift between the sun and moon

earth had only been hesitating all this time between the worth of which to choose

sun or moon, or some other distant star?

earth is tired, undecided, and i am hired as cosmic surrogate

so i am hung 

hanging by the wrists between my praying palms

hanging by the feet between my knotted brows

hanging over and over in multitudinous parallel cosmologies of double suns and double moons


but still i am walking down our concrete pathways

still i am smiling around our lines of reasoning

still i am butting my head against my incomprehension

still i am looking into us with over-swollen compassion

i have always loved the music of our heart strings being stretched too far

and they stretch


both arms out s t  r  e  t c hed


i am not alone in my wretched outstretchedness

on one of these planets outflung palms nailed to opposing realities already tried to reconcile them

but the sun didn’t stop for me and i haven’t gone through the trapdoor and back again

though maybe that sun did stop for me and i can go through the trapdoor and back again

but that’s just the planetary body i cannot reach


both arms o  u t s t   r     e     t   c h e  d


always suspended again in a centripetal centrifugal dichotomised cosmology

pulled in and flung away with equal force

fingers trembling along the line of magnetic gas, magnetic stone

the first and last dichotomy when all parallel cosmologies have hunted theirs into extinction

and i have burned up in every one of those atmospheres


so always i come back to the recurring frozen instant where


o  º  o


i am snared in everlasting suspension

strung up in every single gap in understanding

every single one of me in simultaneity

curled up and unable to land on an assertion



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