The Vigil
The horizon glows
The sun never comes
This is The Vigil
Once I was a dancer
I moved for the thrill in my blood
Once I was a lover of souls
I listened for the wonder of old songs in new colours
Once I was a laugher
I bubbled in sadness and in silliness
Once I was a solid rock
The waves echoed in me but I never felt them hit
With every crash, gleefully I knew that I lived
And the flat horizon was my everlasting view
What happened?
Now I quake with every crash
Edges break and fall and sink
The water level rises
The horizon tilts in and out of sight
I close my eyes and dream of the flat horizon
And think my eyes are open
Now I laugh with a sneer
Else I cannot bear the dysfunction
Now I listen with a simmering ear
Irate at the pain in the simplest of lives
Now I am a pacer
Manacled in tight, thrilling steps
What happened?
I close my eyes and think that they are open
I will be a dancer again
If I can take the manacles off sometimes
I will be a lover of souls
If I can hear the burns singing instead of screaming
I will be a laugher
If dysfunction is curable one day
I will be a solid rock
If waves can smooth instead of crack
Oh maker
Oh healer
Oh singer
Oh blacksmith
You have made many promises
Keep them now,
You who let souls shatter with hate
Keep them now,
You who offer the sun but hide it over the horizon
Keep them now,
You who let dreams replace sight,
First dancer
First lover
First laugher
First rock
Keep them
Melt the iron down and show me how to dance again
My body is a work of art that should beget works of art
Here we are, let’s go
Sing a symphony with the one voice that has heard all the voices
Who say, after the end, that pain has a purpose
Let me believe the unbelievable
Heal the wounds that have crippled all humour save contempt
Do something funny, you should know how
See if I laugh
Teach me how not to tense with trauma-born indignance
But to breathe and let the sea carve me strong and tender
A solid rock with a smooth face set towards the sun
With open eyes undreaming
The horizon is only glowing like it has been my whole life
It will come
If I can open my eyes
If I don’t shatter first
© Nichola Tatyana